REACH requires the registration of all chemical substances that are manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year. Key points Most companies use chemicals, sometimes even without realising it, therefore you need to check your obligations if you handle any chemicals, for example paints, glues or cleaning products, in your industrial or professional activity.


REACH (EC 1907/2006) aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. This is done by the four processes of REACH, namely the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.

During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered by 65,000 companies. The pre-registrations cover all the EU “existing substances” (EINECS) and the list of notified new substances (ELINCS). polymer-like substances containing 50% or more by weight of species with the same molecular weight; Chemical Inventories in EU after REACH. After REACH came into force, there will be mainly three chemical lists in Europe. There are available from ECHA's website. List of Pre-registered Substances; List of Registered Substances; List of Candidate Se hela listan på 2020-11-03 · The list of EU MDR regulated substances can be found in Chapter II Section 10.4 of Annex I of EU MDR. This section of the text outlines three component lists: (1) Substances which are “…carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (‘CMR’), of category 1A or 1B, in accordance with Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.” This database contains classification and labelling information on notified and registered substances received from manufacturers and importers.

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Related Regulations. EU CLP Regulation; Reference & Resources CIRS has pre-registered over 10,000 substances on behalf of over 2,400 non-EU chemical manufacturers and is expected to acquire at least 200 registration numbers in 2010. So if you wish to identify REACH compliant suppliers and source REACH registered chemicals, please contact us … 21% of EU REACH registered substances still registered to UK companies. 09 July 2020 Looking at the ECHA website data today, there are still 8903 (8%) of current EU REACH registrations under a UK registration. This is 4897 substances (21%) and 1233 Companies (7%).

In urgent cases, please submit your question through the contact form. You can also call the ECHA Switchboard: +358 9 6861 80. Please follow our Twitter account @EU_ECHA for updates.

34 The 2009 peak thus does not show actual net expansion of the EU's list of approved active substances or a potential market for MBCAs. pharmacopoeia of an EU Member State) to control a very well-defined and well-established active substance from an innovator with long and safe patient exposure from the named source. 3. NEW ACTIVE SUBSTANCES For new chemical active substances, the requirements are set out in the Note for Guidance About 143,000 chemical substances marketed in the European Union were pre- registered by the 1 December 2008  15 Feb 2021 The registration and risk assessment of chemicals on the European market is currently fragmented across different legal frameworks, dependent  All chemicals marketed in the EU or EEA (European Economic Area) must be registered in accordance with.

Eu registered substances

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May 2019. April 2019. During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered by 65,000 companies. The pre-registrations cover all the EU “existing substances” (EINECS) and the list of notified new substances (ELINCS). This inventory consists of all chemical substances notified within the European Community. The final edition of ELINCS (2009) is comprehensive of all notified substances, concluded by the Directive 67/548/EEC and representing 5,292 substances in total.

Eu registered substances

This is a worryingly high SPC Editor - Europa REACH requires the registration of all chemical substances that are manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year. Key points Most companies use chemicals, sometimes even without realising it, therefore you need to check your obligations if you handle any chemicals, for example paints, glues or cleaning products, in your industrial or professional activity. E.g. checking whether the substance has been registered or pre-registered or verifying the presence and correctness of the Safety Data Sheets. Substances of potential concern Those substances that potentially have certain hazardous properties (for human health and/or the environment) need to … For substances that were previously registered under EU REACH, which you are intending to manufacture or import into the UK for the first time, you will still be required to submit a registration.
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This is done by the four processes of REACH, namely the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. During the six month period from 1 June to 1 December 2008, 143,000 substances were pre-registered by 65,000 companies.

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Universe of registered substances ECHA has created a mapping tool of all registered substances called the chemical universe in which each substance is assigned to a pool that indicates the regulatory actions already initiated or under consideration for that substance.

Substance name: EC / List number:. Here you can find a variety of information on registered substances: for The EC numbers and List Numbers in the dissemination database and in the lists  av MRLKA Palm · Citerat av 21 — Source: Product Register, Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate, Sweden EU. As evident from Figure 7, import in such products may still be possible from other.

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E.g. checking whether the substance has been registered or pre-registered or verifying the presence and correctness of the Safety Data Sheets. Substances of potential concern. Those substances that potentially have certain hazardous properties (for human health and/or the environment) need to be identified.

Tips for the search and download: pharmacopoeia of an EU Member State) to control a very well-defined and well-established active substance from an innovator with long and safe patient exposure from the named source. 3. NEW ACTIVE SUBSTANCES For new chemical active substances, the requirements are … Substances can be categorized into two groups under REACH: phase-in substances and non phase-in substances.